MS Cloud Platform for Business Applications

MS Cloud Platform for Business Applications

One Microsoft Cloud Platform for Enterprise:AI Chat GPT Text Classification

Integration & Automation:

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Power Automate is running on Logic Apps, but it is packaged in a SaaS offer and priced for citizen developers building Business Process Automation use cases. Both products are fully compatible with one another in many scenarios.

B2C or B2E Applications:

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Business users can build the apps themselves with Power Apps allowing your IT and Dev teams to focus on more critical workloads or create complex reusable components that your citizen developers can then include in their Power Apps. Based on the use cases, the choice will be made whether there will be combination of both development platform and just Power platform.

Master & Transaction DB:

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The Dataverse for Apps is in part built on SQL, Azure Blob Storage and Cosmos DB but also on many other advanced tools that holds, Data, Files, Audit Log and Business Rules all in one place including the common data model and role-based access control. Without advanced technical skills, users can model their apps in Dataverse with all the required security and privacy.

Custom vs Azure AI Builder:

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AI Builder is built on top of the Azure platform but without the technical complexity so Citizen Developers can build solutions for their business use cases. Let’s say your procurement department spends lots of time entering supplier invoices into your ERP and that the process to review and approve new suppliers requires lots of effort. They can build, train and deploy a Form Recognition AI model in a few clicks that will ingest PDF and Paper invoices in the right systems with high accuracy. Then they can then use Text Analytics and Prediction to evaluate documents and questionnaires to prioritize new supplier’s request.

Azure Chat Bot & Power Virtual Agent:

AI Chat GPT Text Classification The Power Virtual Agent or PVA is built on the bot service and other AI capabilities but simplified for citizen developers and content owners. For your large retail organization, you want to have many B2E or B2C bots that will help with employee training, Customer Service, complex HR or store processes with lots of data that need to be regularly updated by Business users. You can extend your bot with Power Automate and advanced skills from the bot service. This is where PVA is provides significant edge for the bot builder to release the solution in quick time to production.


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